Introduction to Stunning Topaz Aura Quartz Tumblestones, Meaning, Properties and Uses

Introduction to Stunning Topaz Aura Quartz Tumblestones, Meaning, Properties and Uses

Topaz Aura Quartz

A brand new edition to our crystal shop is this amazing high vibration topaz aura quartz.  One of the most expensive stones we have ever added to our tumblestones section but wow its worth it.

Made from the highest quality clear quartz tumble stones, topaz aura quartz is a stunning high quality aura crystal collectors piece.  Each one has been created via a lengthy and expensive process which bonds precious metals to the crystal, the result is a stunning shimmering golden / copper aura pocket stone.  This is a permanent process which means the aura will not wear off over time like cheaper versions may do.

As this beautiful quartz crystal has the highest quality clear quartz as its core you can expect all the amazing qualities from topaz aura quartz that you would expect from clear quartz.

Including its amazing energy amplifier abilities, its master healer properties, its ability to block negative energy whilst allowing and promoting positive energy into your life and the emotional stability and calmness that clear quartz brings.

Ideal for use in the home for protection, on a crystal grid or as meditation crystal during reiki and aura cleansing.  Don't forget, if there's another crystal and its properties you want to amplify, pop this stone next to it for a boost.

Manifestation - Concentration - Negativity & Empath Protection - Inspiration - Stability - Clarity - Personal Growth - Spiritual Awareness

  • Chakra -Crown
  • Zodiacs - All
  • Elements - All (Earth,Fire,Air,Water)

You can probably tell I'm in love with this shimmering crystal tumblestone and hope you love it too, take a look at them here.

Further information on clear quartz tumble stones click here.

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